In the era of COVID education, family engagement in learning is being recognized as a critical component to student success. Research shows that connecting families to curriculum can result in up to 8 months of additional student learning per year, yet this type of family engagement barely figures in the current structures for guiding teacher practice.
This session explores how schools can integrate effective family engagement into key aspects of teacher practice (such as classroom culture and data-driven instruction), allowing teachers to activate the full potential of families as team members to advance equitable student outcomes. We’ll explore a new framework for deepening teacher practice and building strong relationships with both students and families around learning. The session includes a real-world demonstration of a research-based innovation designed to support this teacher practice –mobile-friendly, multilingual homework assignments where students “teach their parents.” During the session, participants will grapple with powerful questions around challenges, framing, systems and conditions needed to actualize this approach.
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Drive Equitable Student Outcomes Through Family-Teacher Collaboration
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