Miami Lighthouse: How One School Innovated on Their Inclusion Model for Early Learners During COVID19 for Lasting Change

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Distance Learning Transition

Distance learning is not new to Miami Lighthouse. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, we provided remote learning throughout the world for blind musicians using screen reading software, such as JAWS, in addition to remotely teaching braille music and computer technology classes.

In March of 2020, however, we fully transitioned our Miami Lighthouse Academy, LLC to distance learning. We had to find technology for ourselves and our learners, as well as applications that are accessible for blind or visually impaired early learners. Additionally, as these are toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners, and first grade students, how could we vary and engage instruction while still providing the structures and supports these students need?

Stability and Structure for Students 

We began the transition to distance learning by providing our early learners synchronous and asynchronous instruction. We wanted to translate the successful systems we had in place in our classrooms to our learners’ at-home environments. 

Our synchronous instruction consisted of live class sessions through Zoom where teachers would provide the familiar morning routine (e.g., greeting circle, storytime). 

To keep our early learners engaged, we then divided the day with asynchronous instruction. During this time, students were provided at-home learning activities and independent learning opportunities through educational apps.

In addition, to provide further support and stability for students, we transitioned our on-site therapy services to telehealth services for those identified as needing therapy through their Individual Education Plans.

Support Systems for Parents and Teachers

Another critical move we made during the transition was to implement Clever, our school’s digital learning platform, as a tool for parents. This portal allows us to facilitate distance learning by providing our families a single sign-on to a user-friendly site for resources, communication, and instruction. Parents are able to access their child’s personalized classroom page, where their teacher includes daily activities, a list of materials necessary to complete activities, and independent work instructions.

 Additionally, all of our students received home learning packets before the start of the new school year to share with their parents. These learning packets outlined everything our students would need to complete their activities at home as well as tactile materials such as object schedules for our students with visual impairments to ensure learning at home.

We also developed a remote learning fidelity checklist for teachers to use during our live class sessions. This checklist targets the main components needed to ensure distance learning is accessible for our students with visual impairments. The tool has helped our teachers make accommodations to their live sessions to meet the individual needs of our students.

I am inspired every day by the ingenuity of our teachers and their ability to rise to the challenge of distance learning. One of our students, for instance, has multiple disabilities, and her teacher of the visually impaired facilitated live Zoom classes with her. Using everyday, household items to teach the braille cell, the student practiced pre-braille skills using cupcake pans filled with tennis balls. Because of this experience, the student was able to make significant gains in learning.

Amplifying the Voices of Parents

Parent feedback is important to us and helps us to improve our practice. In collaboration with the University of Miami’s Department of Psychology, we developed remote learning surveys to allow parents to express their suggestions and concerns. Survey questions were related to student engagement, home-school collaboration and school support, accessibility of lessons and technology, and personal well-being/stress. In response to information collected from the initial round of surveys, we were able to address parental concerns and improve our practice prior to the start of the school year.

In addition to the surveys, we maintain constant communication with our families throughout the school year. Amid distance learning, we continue to communicate with parents through our Clever portal, daily notes, messaging, and phone calls.

Building an Understanding of Perspective 

Over the last year, we’ve gained a better understanding of ourselves, how we handle situations, and how we are educating children.

We strive to use a variety of instructional methods to engage learners. To best do this, ensuring accessibility for our blind and visually impaired students is at the center of what we do.  

An activity that worked well for us was holding mock lessons with our teachers and administrators during our break before the 2020–21 school year. During these mock lessons, the teachers would teach the administrators wearing vision simulator glasses. This gave us an understanding and a perspective of how our students were engaging in the daily lessons. We, as “students,” were able to give specific feedback to our teachers, who were then able to modify their lessons to support these needs. 

One thing that struck me during this activity concerned the song we use for the morning circle. We have used this song in our classrooms every school year. However, when I heard this song during the mock lessons when I was without sight, it was overwhelming. We were able to realize, because of this experience, that this song is too overstimulating for our students, and we found an alternative. 

Distance learning brought many challenges, but it also highlighted many bright spots. Our teachers rose to the challenge, going above and beyond to meet the needs of our students. Our connection and collaboration with parents was further strengthened. As a staff, we came together to critically evaluate how we would provide the best learning opportunities possible for our students. 


This checklist targets the main components needed to ensure distance learning accessibility for students with visual impairments. The tool has helped Miami Lighthouse Academy, LLC teachers make accommodations to their live sessions to meet the individual student needs.

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