We are delighted to announce that Educating All Learners Alliance has selected the 2024 New Champion for the EALA New Champions Fund.
After careful consideration of all the applications, we are pleased to name Lovisa Brown of Extreme Kids & Crew as the 2024 EALA New Champion.
Rina Madhani of Start Lighthouse and Erika Watson of Intersection Collective are our two New Champion Runners-Up.
Thank you to everyone who applied for EALA 2024 New Champions Fund opportunity. We received over 200 applications this year and our expert judges are hard at work reviewing and leaving feedback on applications.
Congratulations to each of these deserving champions and thank you to everyone who applied for the New Champions Fund. We were truly inspired by the quality of the proposals and the dedication of all applicants.
Applicants can check the status of their application by using the submission portal.
Beginning in 2022, EALA has granted a $35,000 annual unrestricted competitive sub-grant and year-long mentorship to support leaders of color, or allies of the equity in education movement, who are actively working to support students with disabilities, including students who are also marginalized, come from underserved communities, or experience poverty. Additionally, EALA has provided two additional $5,000 sub-grants to runners-up as determined by the panel of New Champions judges.
As a part of this process, funding applications are vetted by the EALA review team and reviewed by the diverse group of New Champions Fund Judges using this EALA New Champions Rubric.
More Info
Explore the Request for Proposals document below. Make a copy and draft your responses before navigating to the Submission Portal.
Submission Portal
Check on the status of your application and view feedback after the 2024 New Champions are announced (July 2024) by logging into our Application Submission Portal.
Eligibility Criteria
Are you a leader of a community-based organization (CBO), school or district, non-profit, or for-profit organization (under $2 million in revenue)?
Are you a leader of color or ally of the equity in education movement?
Are you actively working to support students with disabilities, including students who are marginalized or come from underserved communities and those experiencing poverty?
Have Questions? Looking For Additional Support?
As we are actively looking for applicants who are not- yet-recognized for their exceptional work and who may be first time grant applicants or someone who is unsure about the grant-application process, we want to support you through this grant application process.
Open, drop-in office hours are available during the application window.
Judging Rubric
Please keep in mind that we are looking to fund a new champion who is actively working to support students with disabilities, including students who are marginalized or come from underserved communities and those experiencing poverty. When writing your responses to the proposal questions, please keep in mind the focus on serving these communities of learners.
Additionally, before completing your submission, please review the EALA New Champions Rubric the judges will be using to determine the 2024 New Champion.
2024 New Champions Judges
The New Champions Judges are leaders in the cross-section of equity, innovation, and education.
Together, they represent a diverse collective of industry leaders in the non-profit, advocacy, digital literacy, K-12 education and edtech sectors, all committed to advancing equity and opportunity in the field.

Alin Bennett

Amanda Von Moos

Ash Kaluarachchi

Candice Smith

Charlie Doolittle

Chloe Sanducci

Christine Fox

Corey Scholes

Crystal Eldridge

Deborah Hanmer

Dewayne McClary

Ed Dieterle

Erika Dooley

Gabrielle Lue

Ira Gluck

Jared B. Fries

Jason B. Allen

Jenny Bradbury

Jinann Bitar

Jodi Asbell-Clarke

Jon McIntosh

Kemouy Bhalai

Laura Bantle

Loren Demeroutis

Madeline Kerner

Marlon Styles

Maya Crane

Megan Ohlssen

Melissa Martin

Nancy Driver

Nicole Sansone Ruiz

Pascale Small

Rachel Brody

Rebecca Ferri

Sara Peters

Sasha Simon

Shivohn Garcia

Sierra Daniel

Symon Hayes

Tal Havivi

Tamika Graham

Tim Carey

Tonya Winters

Valentino Lockhart

Whitney (O’Connell) Noel
Lovisa Brown, Extreme Kids & Crew

“With a $35,000 grant from the EALA New Champions Fund, Extreme Kids & Crew will continue our partnership with NYC public libraries to develop bilingual programs for neurodiverse girls and teens. These programs will profoundly impact under-resourced neighborhoods and create brave spaces for girls to be.”
-Lovisa Brown
Rina Madhani, Start Lighthouse

Start Lighthouse is dedicated to eradicating childhood illiteracy and closing the literacy gap by providing diverse books, interactive literacy programs, and family engagement activities. They work with schools, community centers, and public spaces to make literacy resources accessible and engaging for all children.

“This September, Start Lighthouse’s Literacy Hub model will extend its services to District 75, providing specialized literacy support for students with significant challenges such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, cognitive delays, and sensory impairments. The funding will enable us to expand our reach and enhance our programs, ensuring every child can experience the joy of reading. By opening our third Literacy Hub equipped with multicultural books, adaptive learning materials, and technology, we aim to address the critical literacy needs of the Bronx and NYC. Additionally, we will invest in comprehensive training for our educators to deliver inclusive and culturally responsive teaching. Our goal is to close the literacy gap and provide every child with the opportunity to succeed academically and beyond.”
-Rina Madhani, Start Lighthouse
Keep Up with Start Lighthouse
Erika Watson, Intersection Collective

Intersection Collective creates inclusive and intersectional spaces for marginalized communities through arts, culture, and community initiatives. They focus on collaborative projects that amplify underrepresented voices and promote social equity, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.

“There are 7.3 million public school children with identified disabilities. More than 52% are BIPOC. By forming a community of critical supporters that values the culture and the voices of these students and their families, we have an opportunity to re-imagine special education advocacy and eliminate educational inequalities experienced by generations of children with disabilities.”
-Erika Watson, Intersection Collective
Keep Up with Intersection Collective