Tech tool of the month: GoManda
May 29, 2024 12:00 pm | Webinar
EALA’s Tech Tool of the Month: GoManda

Tune in to learn how EALA’s Tech Tool of the Month (TTOTM), GoManda, is an app that uses the science of learning for autism to teach vocabulary comprehension to children ages 2-8. Using strengths-based and evidence-based methods, GoManda has been called the Netflix for Vocabulary. Dr. Celest Austin, GoManda’s founder, will be demonstrating how the […]

Webinar Competency-Based Education 101: Demystifying CBE, Unlocking Deep and Joyful Learning
May 15, 2024 12:00 pm | Webinar
Competency-Based Education 101: Demystifying CBE, Unlocking Deep and Joyful Learning

What is competency-based education (CBE)? How does CBE culture, pedagogy, and structure center students and equity? How can CBE work with learner variability to improve and deepen learning while igniting more joy and engagement in learning? What policies and practices are needed to enable the shift to CBE systems? Join Jay Jay Pina, a CBE […]

Empowered and Equipped: A Personal Perspective of Neurodiversity
May 9, 2024 8:30 pm | Webinar
Empowered and Equipped: A Personal Perspective of Neurodiversity

What does it mean to be a “different thinker” or identify as neurodiverse? Where can we find the full potential of our community? And how can we make strides toward creating a world in which every learner is recognized? By sharing his own experiences with dyslexia and ADHD, David Flink will provide answers to these […]

Webinar: Creating Community for Diverse Learners: How Teacher-Student Connections Help Build Equity-Centered School Culture
May 8, 2024 2:00 pm | Webinar
Creating Community for Diverse Learners: How Teacher-Student Connections Help Build Equity-Centered School Culture

How can schools create a sense of community for diverse learners with unique needs? Our panel of experts will share research around the importance of implementing a school vision and mission around positive school culture, and then delve into practical ways to do this at the classroom level using tools such as Along. This webinar […]

Learner-Centered Classrooms: Creating Experiences for Learners to Thrive
April 24, 2024 4:00 pm | Webinar
Learner-Centered Classrooms: Creating Experiences for Learners to Thrive

Gain insights into the Learner-Centered Collaborative’s framework and discover concrete strategies that center learners and prepare them for a rapidly evolving world. Join an insightful panel of education professionals with extensive experience leading learner-centered classrooms.

Disability Justice in Schools
April 23, 2024 2:00 pm | Webinar
Disability Justice in Schools

oin the SELF Team as they explore ableism through the lens of disability justice. During this webinar, participants will explore the medical model vs. social model of disability and self-assess their school using SELF’s Disability Justice Audit tool.

Innovations in Empathy: A Multidimensional, Dynamic Approach to Building Empathy
April 16, 2024 12:00 pm | Webinar
Innovations in Empathy: A Multidimensional, Dynamic Approach to Building Empathy

Explore the Empathy Framework, a theory-based approach to teaching empathy through self-practice, in-class community building, and technology-based global collaborations. Learn about the dimensions of empathy and how to apply the Framework in K-12 classrooms. Engage in interactive SEL exercises, share reflections, and discover real-world examples of empathy-building activities and programming.

Tech tool of the month: cephable
April 11, 2024 12:00 am | Webinar
Tech Tool of the Month: Cephable

Tune in to learn how EALA’s Tech Tool of the Month (TTOTM), Cephable,  an assistive technology platform, is moving digital interaction beyond keyboard and mouse. The Cephable team will demonstrate how it adapts to the user, enables new input controls through voice, face, and motion for a more accessible digital experience.

Embracing Neurodiversity: The Impact of an Educational Diagnosis on the Sense of Belonging and Learning Experience
March 27, 2024 3:00 pm | Webinar
Embracing Neurodiversity: The Impact of an Educational Diagnosis on the Sense of Belonging and Learning Experience

In this webinar, a panel of Eye to Eye Young Adult Ambassadors  will share stories of their lived experience of the  process of educational diagnosis and how this impacted their sense of belonging and learning experiences.

Changing Perspectives: Understanding Inclusion, Ableism, and Neurodiversity Sam Drazin, Founder and Executive Director, Changing Perspectives
March 26, 2024 5:30 pm | Webinar
Changing Perspectives: Understanding Inclusion, Ableism, and Neurodiversity

Sam Drazin, Founder and Executive Director, Changing Perspectives talks about Understanding Inclusion, Ableism, and Neurodiversity. Tune in on March 26 at 5:30pm PST.