We are bringing together straightforward accessibility information for the digital educational products educators trust to use in classrooms. Search a tool and click to learn about the product’s accessibility features. Products in this library include descriptions and validity badges such as the Learner Variability Certification, Research-Based Design Certification, and the Project Unicorn Pledge.
The information about providers and services contained on this website does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by The Educating All Learners Alliance. The inclusion of products in this library does not qualify as an endorsement of accessibility. Some products may be more accessible than others, and not all of the products in the library are intended for use in K12 educational contexts.
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But please don’t give up! Here are a few tips that might help you find what you are looking for
First things First…Double check your spelling and spaces (make sure there isn’t an extra space at the end of your search term). Try searching for a synonym or something less specific (such as math rather than geometry).
Were you looking for a resource rather than an ed tech product?You’re in luck! Check out our Resource Library. There, you can explore different types of resources (ex: Case Study), general theme (ex: Special Education Process and Policy), and specific topics (ex: IEPs).
Oh no… still not finding what you want?Please describe what you’re looking for in the box below, or send an email to us at resources@educatingalllearners.org.