Special education advocates focus on funding, mental health and teacher shortages

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This article was written and Published by Kara Arundel — August 1, 2024

The field is struggling with teacher and staff vacancies, as well as growing demands for services, CEC and CASE members say.
Two adults are standing in front of a stage, holding microphones. Behind them are two more adults sitting in chairs on the stageKevin Rubenstein, president of CASE (on left), and Kareem Thompson, president of CEC, welcome attendees to the Special Education Legislative Summit in Alexandria, Va., on July 30, 2024. Behind them sit Myrna Mandlawitz, a policy and legislative consultant at CASE (on left), and Kuna Tavalin, CEC’s senior advisor for policy and advocacy. Kara Arundel/K-12 Dive
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