The Office of Special Education Programs Awards More Than $35 Million for 138 Personnel Preparation and Professional Development-Related Grants

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This article was written and published by The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act on September 26, 2023.  

By the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Special Education Programs

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Sept. 26, 2023) – The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) announced $35 million in funding for 138 awards, including one national technical assistance center, which will support preparation, ongoing professional learning and leadership development for educators.

The OSEP Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities Program awards increase the number of well-prepared, diverse and effective personnel serving children with disabilities, including early intervention practitioners; teachers; related services providers; administrators leading early intervention programs, schools, or local and state agencies; and university faculty who are preparing future generations of personnel to serve children with disabilities.

Award recipients will receive one year of funding from federal fiscal year 2023 (FFY 2023) appropriations. The federal funds, authorized under Part D of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), are awarded annually and have the potential to be funded to support five-year grant projects.

The following describes the grant programs, the number of new awards provided under each grant program, the total FFY 2023 appropriations used to fund the grants, the degree levels offered through the program, and service obligations required by individuals receiving funding through the grants. The tables list the institution of higher education (IHE) or organization receiving the grant, the state in which the IHE or organization is located, and FFY 2023 funds and five-year total funding to be received by the IHE or organization.

OSEP Personnel Development Training Grants for FFY 2023

New Awards: 20

FFY 2023 Appropriations: $8,532,569

Overview: OSEP awards grants up to $250,000 per year for five years to IHEs to support the preparation of leadership personnel who are well qualified for, and can act effectively in leadership positions as:

  • Future faculty or researchers in special education, early intervention or related services at IHEs, or
  • Leaders in state educational agencies, lead agencies under IDEA Part C, local educational agencies, early intervention services programs or schools.

The award also supports the increase in the number of multilingual leadership personnel and leadership personnel from racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds at the doctoral level in special education, early intervention or related services.

Degree(s): Doctoral degree (Ph.D. or Ed.D.)

Service Obligation: Scholars who receive funding through an IHE’s award owe two years of service to the field for every one year of academic support.


Name State FFY 2023 Funds 5-Year Total Funding
University of Arkansas AR $485,402 $2,481,445
Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of Arizona State University AZ $410,448 $2,224,942
Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona AZ $82,568 $1,080,001
Cal State LA University Auxiliary Services, Inc. CA $750,000 $3,750,000
Cal State LA University Auxiliary Services, Inc. CA $500,000 $2,500,000
The Florida International University Board of Trustees FL $500,000 $2,500,000
Florida State University FL $500,000 $2,500,000
University of Iowa IA $180,676 $1,173,558
Northern Illinois University IL $500,000 $2,500,000
University of Massachusetts Boston MA $572,524 $3,523,849
Bowie State University MD $248,323 $1,243,044
University of North Carolina at Charlotte NC $250,000 $1,250,000
Syracuse University NY $744,910 $3,728,775
Pennsylvania State University – University Park PA $179,737 $1,126,773
University of South Carolina SC $249,292 $1,244,392
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center TN $399,971 $2,399,454
Texas Christian University TX $728,126 $3,724,107
The University of Texas at Austin TX $749,968 $3,635,326
University of Utah UT $149,939 $2,141,444
University of Washington WA $350,685 $2,331,949
Total 20 $8,532,569 $47,059,059

New Awards: 41

FFY 2023 Appropriations: $8,870,090

Overview: Grants up to $250,000 per year for five years are awarded to IHEs to support high-quality projects that prepare early intervention and special education personnel – including personnel who are multilingual and personnel from racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds – for professional practice in natural environments, early childhood programs, classrooms, school settings and in distance learning environments serving children with disabilities who have high-intensity needs.

Projects were funded under the following two focus areas:

  • Preparing Personnel to Serve Infants, Toddlers, and Preschool-Age Children with Disabilities who have High-Intensity Needs and
  • Preparing to Serve School-Age Children with Disabilities who have High-Intensity Needs.

Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree, certification, master’s degree or educational specialist degree

Service Obligation: Scholars who receive funding through an IHE’s award owe two years of service to the field for every one year of academic support.

Early Childhood

Name State FFY 2023 5-Year Total
University of Alabama at Birmingham AL $249,670 $1,248,928
The University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc. GA $129,171 $927,729
Georgia State University Research Foundation GA $222,604 $1,220,198
Idaho State University ID $99,684 $1,097,129
The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois IL $77,605 $1,011,563
University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc. KS $100,000 $1,100,000
University of Kentucky Research Foundation KY $233,298 $1,137,159
Bowie State University MD $249,096 $1,247,334
Washington University MO $249,981 $1,247,901
Teachers College, Columbia University NY $250,000 $1,250,000
Millersville University of Pennsylvania PA $151,042 $974,043
Coastal Carolina University SC $249,864 $1,249,419
Utah State University UT $197,209 $1,145,918
Total 13 $2,459,224 $14,857,322

School Age

Name State FFY 2023 5-Year Total
Cal Poly Humboldt Sponsored Programs Foundation CA $243,645 $1,232,437
Chico State Enterprises CA $250,000 $1,250,000
California State University, Fresno Foundation CA $249,843 $1,249,307
California State University, Northridge CA $211,856 $1,159,720
The University of Central Florida Board of Trustees FL $250,000 $1,250,000
University of Iowa IA $71,371 $845,761
Regents of the University of Idaho ID $219,034 $1,049,532
The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois IL $249,883 $1,248,699
Chicago State University IL $249,769 $1,246,152
Northern Illinois University IL $250,000 $1,250,000
University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc. KS $195,566 $1,195,566
Bay Path University MA $249,980 $1,201,832
University of Maryland MD $249,999 $1,249,998
University of Maryland MD $249,999 $1,247,743
Bowie State University MD $248,478 $1,243,535
Regents of the University of Minnesota MN $228,070 $1,199,193
Minnesota State University Mankato MN $219,324 $1,139,488
University of Montana MT $242,629 $1,216,235
University of North Carolina at Charlotte NC $128,025 $881,858
University of New Hampshire NH $248,697 $1,245,914
Salus University PA $248,290 $1,247,059
University of Rhode Island RI $156,986 $1,128,313
Vanderbilt University TN $249,748 $1,233,676
Vanderbilt University TN $249,956 $1,249,169
East Tennessee State University TN $250,000 $1,250,000
Texas State University TX $249,999 $1,223,265
The University of Texas at Arlington TX $250,000 $1,250,000
University of Vermont and State Agricultural College VT $249,719 $1,246,559
Total 28 $6,410,866 $33,431,012

New Awards: 34

FFY 2023 Appropriations: $6,589,389

Overview: Grants up to $250,000 per year for five years are awarded to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs), and other Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) that prepare personnel in special education, early intervention, or related services for professional practice in natural environments, early childhood programs, classrooms, school settings and in distance learning environments serving children with disabilities.

Projects were funded under the following two focus areas:

  • Preparing Personnel to Serve Infants, Toddlers, and Preschool-Age Children with Disabilities and
  • Preparing Personnel to Serve School-Age Children with Disabilities.

Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree, certification, master’s degree, educational specialist degree or clinical doctoral degree

Service Obligation: Scholars who receive funding through an IHE’s award owe two years of service to the field for every one year of academic support.

Early Childhood

Name State FFY 2023 5-Year Total
Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona AZ $177,516 $1,172,553
California State University, Northridge CA $249,890 $1,249,468
Cal State LA University Auxiliary Services, Inc. CA $100,000 $1,100,000
Cal State LA University Auxiliary Services, Inc. CA $250,000 $1,250,000
San Francisco State University CA $250,000 $1,250,000
San Diego State University Foundation CA $249,957 $1,249,834
Hawai`i Pacific University HI $177,640 $1,107,723
The Regents of New Mexico State University NM $250,000 $1,250,000
Total 8 $1,705,003 $9,629,578

School Age

Name State FFY 2023 5-Year Total
Alabama A&M University AL $250,000 $1,250,000
Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona AZ $195,499 $1,119,077
California Lutheran University CA $244,527 $1,241,679
California State University Channel Islands CA $97,129 $1,064,311
California State University, Northridge CA $249,415 $1,147,755
San Jose State University Research Foundation CA $250,000 $1,250,000
Cal State LA University Auxiliary Services, Inc. CA $250,000 $1,250,000
Delaware State University DE $67,286 $1,065,950
The Florida International University Board of Trustees FL $250,000 $1,250,000
Florida Memorial University, Inc. FL $250,000 $1,250,000
The University of Central Florida Board of Trustees FL $249,984 $1,249,765
Clark Atlanta University GA $249,987 $1,249,935
University of Hawaii HI $95,335 $1,084,889
Chicago State University IL $249,228 $1,158,606
Elmhurst University IL $99,957 $1,097,711
Coppin State University MD $98,971 $1,065,361
Jackson State University MS $186,226 $1,092,556
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University NC $99,999 $1,099,998
Winston-Salem State University NC $172,722 $1,172,722
University of Nevada, Reno NV $249,161 $1,244,971
Northeastern State University OK $99,490 $1,083,370
University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus PR $108,760 $1,103,727
Texas A&M University TX $127,346 $1,109,162
The University of Texas at San Antonio TX $99,952 $1,099,844
University North Texas at Dallas TX $344,400 $1,722,000
Alverno College WI $249,012 $1,242,260
Total 26 $4,884,386 $30,765,649 

New Awards: 31

FFY 2023 Appropriations: $6,338,229

Overview: Grants up to $250,000 per year for five years are awarded to institutions of higher education to support high-quality projects that prepare related services personnel – including personnel who are multilingual and personnel from racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds – for professional practice in natural environments, early childhood programs, classrooms, school settings and in distance learning environments serving children with disabilities who have high-intensity needs.

Projects were funded under the following two focus areas:

  • Preparing Related Services Personnel to Serve Infants, Toddlers, and Preschool-Age Children with Disabilities who have High-Intensity Needs; and
  • Preparing Related Services Personnel to Serve School-Age Children with Disabilities who have High-Intensity Needs.

Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree, certification, master’s degree, educational specialist degree, or clinical doctorate degree

Service Obligation: Scholars who receive funding through an IHE’s award owe two years of service to the field for every one year of academic support.

Early Childhood

Name State FFY 2023 5-Year Total
Georgetown University DC $99,692 $1,099,641
Idaho State University ID $99,684 $1,097,129
University of South Dakota SD $249,786 $1,247,291
Vanderbilt University Medical Center TN $250,000 $1,250,000
Utah State University UT $192,128.74 $1,138,728.96
Total 5 $891,290.74 $5,832,789.96

School Age

Name State FFY 2023 5-Year Total
Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona AZ $247,466 $1,242,227
Midwestern University AZ $258,998 $1,274,578
Cal State LA University Auxiliary Services, Inc. CA $250,000 $1,250,000
San Diego State University Foundation CA $250,000 $1,250,000
Colorado State University CO $245,659 $1,244,793
Florida State University FL $226,614 $1,160,620
Northern Illinois University IL $250,000 $1,250,000
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois IL $100,000 $1,004,543
Midwestern University IL $246,712 $1,148,134
The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois – Chicago IL $245,492 $1,035,514
Northeastern University MA $249,930 $1,249,770
University of Massachusetts Boston MA $249,999 $1,249,995
The Johns Hopkins University MD $146,244 $1,022,245
Michigan State University MI $235,523.75 $1,235,523.75
Western Michigan University MI $249,183 $1,247,667
Regents of the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities MN $89,310 $1,089,310
Regents of the University of Minnesota MN $250,000 $1,249,999
Washington University MO $99,969 $1,095,047
Washington University MO $100,000 $1,096,128
Seton Hall University NJ $233,177 $1,178,029
University of Nevada, Reno NV $203,125.44 $1,081,557.21
Teachers College, Columbia University NY $218,305 $1,168,505
Salus University PA $249,722 $1,248,895
The Pennsylvania State University PA $250,000 $1,250,000
Baylor University TX $157,544 $1,132,591
The University of Texas at Austin TX $143,965 $1,039,733
Total 26 $5,446,938.19 $30,495,403.96


OSEP Personnel Development Program Development Grant for FFY 2023

New Awards: 11

FFY 2023 Appropriations: $2,072,412

Overview: Grants up to $250,000 per year for five years are awarded to fund program development and continuous improvement in associate degree preservice preparation programs for personnel working with young children with disabilities.

Projects are to increase the capacity of community college faculty to design and deliver curriculum content so that early childhood personnel with associate degrees have the competencies to work with young children with disabilities and their families.

Degree(s): N/A

Service Obligation: N/A

Name State FFY 2023 5-Year Total
San Diego State University Foundation CA $199,992 $999,966
University of Colorado Denver CO $199,834 $997,904
University of Connecticut Health Center CT $200,000 $1,000,000
University of Hawaii HI $199,966 $999,913
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC $200,000 $1,000,000
University of Nevada, Reno NV $196,544 $979,471
Research Foundation of CUNY on Behalf of Borough of Manhattan Community College NY $100,000 $200,000
University of Toledo OH $195,375 $994,368
University of Cincinnati OH $199,986 $999,835
Virginia Commonwealth University VA $180,873 $975,465
University of Washington WA $199,842 $991,672
Total 11 $2,072,412 $10,138,594

OSEP Personnel Development Center Grant for FFY 2023

New Awards: 1

FFY 2023 Appropriations: $3,000,000

Overview: One award was funded for a five-year project to establish and operate a National Center for Supporting School Building and Early Intervention Program Administrators to Effectively Implement the IDEA and Improve Systems Serving Children with Disabilities.

The center will help state educational agencies and early intervention IDEA Part C lead agencies to effectively implement IDEA by building the capacity of administrators in school buildings and early intervention programs to meet IDEA requirements and improve systems serving children with disabilities and their families.

Degree(s): N/A

Service Obligation: N/A

Name State FFY 2023 5-Year Total
American Institutes for Research VA $3,000,000 $15,000,000
Total 1 $3,000,000 $15,000,000

OSEP Scholars

Scholars who receive funding through an OSEP Personnel Development Program training grant are known as OSEP Scholars. In Federal Fiscal Year 2020, there were 4,840 OSEP Scholars trained at 144 IHEs.

Potential OSEP Scholars can find a personnel preparation program that meets their needs by visiting the OSEP IDEAs That Work’s Discretionary Grants Database, selecting the “Program” filter “Personnel Development” and then using additional search options such as “State,” “Disability,” “Age of Children,” or “Type of Competition.”

Meet some OSEP scholars who were featured this year for Teacher Appreciation Week.

More Information

Visit OSEP IDEAs That Work’s Discretionary Grants Database for additional information about OSEP Personnel Development Program projects funded in other grant years and other OSEP discretionary grants.